Thursday, January 15, 2009

Nukkekotikerho - Club evening

Tapasimme nukkekotikerhon kanssa ja oli taas valtavan kivaa. Puhuminen pääsi pääosaan, mutta ohjelmassa oli Ullan kaivamilla ohjeilla mattopiiskan ja kynnysmaton tekemistä. Sain Ullan kynnysmattokehikon lainaksi kotiin, jotta sain mattoni valmiiksi ja tein illalla vielä toisenkin, tuon vihreän. Vaaleampi on kainosti hiukan piilossa, koska siinä on sen verran virheitä, ettei se siedä kauhean läheistä tarkastelua. Siitä tulee kulunut versio johonkin rojektiin... Ihanan simpukkataulun sain kerhoswapissa, se on Hennan tekemä.

We have a dollhouse-club here in Hämeenlinna and we met yesterday. Mainly we did talk and laugh and look at each other's books and magazines and tried to make doormats and such, but also had a club-swap, where I got a lovely piece, framed seashells by Henna. I borrowed Ulla's frame for a doormat and finished my mats at home. The one beneath has too many mistakes to show it, but I'll smudge it enough to look really worn one and it'll be just fine...


Anonymous said...

Tulin neilikkamattoa vielä ihastelemaan ja täällä onkin ihania kynnysmattoja! Simpukkataulukin nätti.

Anonymous said...

Dear Hanna, you recently wrote a big compliment on my site! I want to thank you for that; it made me very, very happy!! Since then I got to know your site. Wauw!!!
I do like the style of your work. Your dollshouses are beautifull.
I told my miniclub-friends about your site, so lately your site has been visited many times by us, visitors from Holland.
Your work has inspired us a lot and I wanted to let you also know that and we, 5 miniclub ladies, are going to try (hope it works out) to make the lovely doormat. Thank you for sharing!Regards Monique